Please note this plan must be set up during normal office hours.
Are you faced with major veterinary expenses? We are here to help. We offer multiple programs that are designed to give your family pet have the best possible care for a small monthly fee. Paybanc plans may be used for both routine care and emergency procedures. Almost anyone with a credit card or a active checking account qualifies.
Plans are available for 6,9 or 12 months for all major expense. Check out our plans to see if you qualify.
Qualifications are:
- You must have a credit card, debit card or active checking account.
- The initial office visit must be paid.
- A soft credit check will be preformed, meaning the check will not show up on your credit score.
- Services and fees must be greater than $100.00.
- With approval, existing clients in good standing may have Requirement 2 Waive, breaking the entire charge into payments.
Deterimine your appoximate monthly fee
( min-$100 | max-$5000 )
*There is a monthly $4.00 administration fee. This is the approximate monthly fee. There may be slight variation to fee when actually applying.
Don’t qualify? For non-emergency care, consider a pet savings account or try our third party plans. Sometimes you will qualify for one plan and not another.
If you fail to qualify with a particular plan, try all of them. Results will vary between the different plans.